PURETi Transforms Surfaces into
Self-cleaning, Air Purifying Materials.

Cleaning the air with roof tiles

Learn about the latest research performed in Southern California to use UV-PCO to clean up the air.  http://www.rdmag.com/news/2014/06/cleaning-air-roof-tiles?et_cid=3977188&et_rid=494536977&location=top
University research shows that 28.75 sqft of material treated with PURETi removes 1 lb of NOx over the course of a year.
This EPA report on vehicle emmissions shows that the average passenger vehicle emits 18.32lbs of NOx each year. http://www.epa.gov/otaq/consumer/420f08024.pdf
Treating the average 2,000 sqft residential roof with PURETi would offset the NOx produced by almost 4 vehicles.  Contact us to learn more about how PURETi can help improve our environment.